Learn more about customer John Robbins of Falling Oak Timber who runs five crews supported by four 40/36 and one 50/48 whole tree drum chippers.

Every Morbark drum chipper is designed for high volume biomass production, and we know from decades of experience that durability and reliability are critical to every chipping operation. That's why the heart of our 50/4840/36, and 30/36 whole tree chippers is our Advantage 3 Drum which produces more consistent chips, while the heat-treated AR-450 drum skin provides longer wear life resulting in lower replacement costs and less downtime. In addition, our feed system is more efficient due to a staggered knife configuration and contains fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance. The Advantage 3 drum assembly can come as ten knives for fuel chips or 20 knives for micro-chip applications. A directional flow discharge chute is hydraulically adjustable by remote control for maximum chip loads. And an aggressive, sloped live floor and large top and bottom feed wheels ensure positive feed or brushy tops and limbs.

Recently, we had the opportunity to spend time with customer John Robbins of Falling Oak Timber, located in Lexington, NC, who runs five crews supported by four 40/36 and one 50/48 whole tree drum chipper, to find out why he chose Morbark Whole Tree Drum Chippers for his operation.

"I've owned Falling Oak Timber since January 2014. We started with one skidder, one loader, and no trucks, and we have grown our company with enough equipment to run five crews, and our plan is to continue to grow," Robbins explained. "We've tried other brands, but the Morbark chipper is more robust and durable, and it's just so much better in the woods for our production. I can remember thinking while demoing my first 40/36 – "That's the way to go!" So we bought the machine, and I instantly started hoping that one wouldn't be enough."

"Our Whole Tree Drum and Disc Chippers have long been the industry standard for high-production, in-woods fuel chip and micro-chip applications," added Michael Stanton, Morbark's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "The reason behind this longevity is our focus on minimizing downtime, increasing production, and a commitment to overall customer success. This commitment's proof can be seen daily through customers like John Robbins, who inspire us to achieve more daily."